Share links to useful information

Help us collect useful links to free learning content on internet!

One of the ideas with this community is to help each other find and save useful web links that describe how to do things the best way in businesses. It can be web pages, videos, free courses,
pod casts, online books etc that are already published by others as cost free information. If a registration is needed, it is still OK to link it, as long as there is no cost to register and access it.
Sharing knowledge without cost is the key!

Our community is not for profit and we run on a small budget so we don't want to store a lot of pictures, videos etc. Therefore the links that registered users add, will be opened in a new tab and
the publisher of the linked page or file will be responsible that he has the right to publish it. So for example a book writer can publish his book openly on his home page and then anybody in our community can point at it from here. The writer will be responsible for his own publishing. If you want to edit, copy or re-distribute content from other internet resources, you will have to
check out the license of that specific content. If you don't find any license, it's always best to ask first.

When adding a link here at BX, do like this

If you know a useful and cost free resource on internet that is helpful in learning about a Business topic or task, then first identify the most suitable of our topics to link it with. You can either navigate through the explore menu, click down in the subjects on home page or use our search function with key words.

On our topic page you can add your link (when logged in). When adding the link you will be asked to categorize it by ticking a few boxes and we recommend that you add a short description for other users. The added links will be visible under their respective topics and can be filtered in different ways. Other users can rate the links so that they can be sorted also on user rating to make it easy to find the most useful links about the task. This will save time for our users compared to if they should search for information with regular search engines.